Lets act rather than debate.........................

Whole nation was in siege for last 3 days and every Indian was a mumbaikar.Lets all fight together against this mayhem rather than debate; on who is wrong or who should be punished.Yes we are angry and shattered,but is this is enough.No we need to change it ,we just cannot blame and blame the government.We live in democratic nation and it is we the people who choose the government.

No matter who is in power BJP or UPA,terror attacks were always there.And it will continue to happen ,if we the citizens don't change it.How many of us has send there children in military or in politics.And the answer will be "why should we,as there is corruption or there are better options".This attitude is the result of all these terror.We are responsible and rather than playing the blame game,we should take constructive step in making a secure future .It is true that government just react momentarily and make several laws.Which is either opposed by opposition or dumped under files.Government is accountable to the citizen and yes they are responsible.But it is not true that,they are solely responsible.It is whole system and in which the AAM ADAMI plays a vital role.We should speak unless we are not heard.
Today the 24*7,media presence is there.And it gives us the liberty and platform to speak and convey our message to our leaders and system.It was because of media and AAM ADAMI ,that has put Manu Sharma behind bars.Yes we have that power which can change things.Better late than Never.Lets speak against the odds which we see in our society ,speak against the injustice..................

Lets act rather than debate.


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