Big Brother ya Big TRP?
Whatever is the name of the show or the country in which the show is hosted.The controversial Big Brother's Shilpa racist issue, or Rakhi sawant harsh comments in Big Boss.Its all about the BIG TRP Game.And we the viewers are enjoying it. To start with Big Brother show,which is making news for all the so called wrong reason of "RACISM".Being an indian and that too in UK at first i was also influenced by all this racist talks and issue .And i started to watch this show daily without any miss.And the thought which striked to my mind was ,WHAT IAM GETTING BY WATCHING THIS STUPID FIGHT?IS THIS RACISM?OR IT IS JUST ANOTHER GIRLISH FIGHT, JUST HAPPEN TO BE B/W A WHITE AND AN INDIAN? And the only answer for that is nothing ,its just another big publicity and TRP game.As the word racism is all in our mind.Nobody has the right to discreet you on the basis of skin color or language.And here in the case of Jade and shilpa it was nothing but the ego and big cultural differ...